Nordic Poetry Festival
October Thursday 17th 2019
At the Museum of Futures www.museumoffutures.org
with readings / performances by Jon Ståle Ritland, Silje Ree, Sara Elgerot, Ferdinand Jonsson, Endre Ruset, Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset, Morten Langeland, Harry Man and Meg Jensen. Visit https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com/nordic
A celebration of contemporary literary and avant-garde Nordic poetry as the opening event of Kingston University's Writers' Centre programme for 2018 / 2019. Renowned poets from Norway read alongside British-based Nordic poets and those local to Kingston and Surbiton in what will be a dynamic and intimate closing event to the first NPF.

The event will also see the second launch of four new publications by Norwegian poets with brand new works by Jon Ståle Ritland, Morten Langeland, Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset and Silje Ree. Find out more here https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com/sampsonlow